Just to let everyone know about this year's plant sale: It will be Saturday, April 16. Yes, that's Easter weekend, but it is the ONLY Saturday available at Portuguese Hall in March, April and May, due to Festa scheduling.
We will start having workshops in February, once Covid cases settle down once again (fingers crossed). There's plenty of time for growing and creating! Dates to be determined.
Workshops we are planning:
Non-Succulents, Succulents in pots, Succulent Dish Gardens.
Other ideas being considered: (Depends on interest and if there's enough donations!)
Tillandsia Designs, Whimsical Containers with succulents
Donations Needed
We will let you know when to drop things off or bring with you to workshops
6 packs of non-succulents (tomatoes, vegetables, herbs, annuals,etc.)
Empty gallon containers (clean, please, so we don't have to clean them)
Plumeria Cuttings
House plants
Whimsical Containers
Dishes for the Dish Gardens
Volunteers Needed
We will need volunteers to attend workshops
Members to water and monitor the non-succulents
Members to transport items for sale, set up the sale, work at the sale and help with clean up.
We will have our Ye Olde Garden Shoppe as we still have donated items that were intended for the canceled 2020 sale.
Click on the links below to see examples of past Whimsical Containers and Dish Gardens to give you some ideas about donating and participating in workshops.
plant sale 1.jpg plant sale 2.jpg
Sherry Hebert and Kathleen Honeysett
Ways and Means Co-Chairs